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On Point, September 3

September 3, 2004


We've already expressed outrage over the preposterously mishandled Kobe Bryant case, which should have been dropped long ago. But our sympathy for Bryant doesn't extend to assuming that sponsors who have pulled away from their endorsement deals with him are being unfair.

Celebrities get endorsement deals because companies believe customers will be persuaded by the opinions of people they admire. Far fewer people would admire Bryant after learning that he had a casual sexual encounter with a stranger while away from his wife for medical treatment, and that would be true even if there had never been any charges filed. It's tawdry.

Besides, in July he signed a new seven-year contract with the Lakers for $136.4 million, which is hardly shabby. He's lucky his team had so much faith in him.


Drought restrictions and water-rate surcharges have had a number of people thinking that artificial turf might have a lot going for it. But lots of them have lived in places where it hasn't been allowed, such as Aurora.

Finally, the city has seen the light and may soon change its ordinances to be more friendly to people who want to conserve water.

And not only water. Though more expensive to install than real stuff, artificial turf doesn't have to be fertilized, watered, mowed or weeded, so maintenance costs are much lower - perhaps not so much for homeowners who choose to do their own yard work, but more significantly for businesses and governments that pay big bucks to keep their lawns trimmed.

Rocky Mountain News

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